SEO: The Simple Truth

SEO isn’t rocket science, although some SEO firms want you to believe that.  After all, if they keep you in the dark and make you believe that they know something that’s so difficult and so complex then you’ll be willing to pay extraordinary prices.  But the fact is, SEO isn’t that difficult.  Sure, it requires knowledge and diligence, but none of it is something that a high-school kid can’t do.  If they can take chemistry and calculus, they can most certainly handle SEO.  It’s just a matter of following the rules, or best practices.  So next time, an SEO agency or a search engineer tries to convince you that they’re working magic behind the scenes, don’t fall for it.  They may try to confuse you with complicated math (yes Google uses a complicated algorithm) but to get a site ranked at the top of Google doesn’t require you to even understand anything beyond 6th grade math.

Beware of folks who try to confuse you.  That’s a common sales ploy.  If you can’t get your head around it, then you’ll be more willing to pay high prices.  But if you can arm yourself with a basic understanding of SEO, you’ll be educated and won’t fall for their schemes.  Education is power.  And we’re here to give you power.